Kings College India 2018 Sports Day

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Kings College India 2018 Sports Day
On March 8th we held our the King’s College India 2018 Sports Day and it was a truly enjoyable Day. It was lovely to witness a whole school event with EYFS having their very own event in the Central Plaza with Standards 4-9 and later 1-3 running their events on the sports field. Parents who could attend also got very involved and this gave it a real school community feel to the day. It was especially nice to have the Mothers race which coincidentally took place on the same day as International Women’s Day. There are many benefits to having a school sports day and these include:
  • Physical health and development (Increase stamina, strengthen bones, maintain healthy weight, motor skills, coordination, release excess energy!)
  • Emotional well-being, (Less selfish, develop a sense of achievement and self-esteem)
  • Respect (for others and self)
  • Social Skills such as learning to lose (and win), (relieve stress and anxiety, patience)
  • Develops  dedication
  • Apart from the benefits listed above, there is very strong research emerging proving a significant correlation between exercise and cognitive ability (Intelligence).
This research* clearly indicates that exercise can be of great importance for the improvement of cognitive health during childhood and this may extend throughout one’s adult lifespan.  The research also shows that Secondary school students who did more exercise and sport (7 or more hours per week) had higher grade averages than those who did little exercise and sport. It also suggests that exercise in childhood might increase the resilience of the brain later in life, resulting in what is called cognitive reserve (the mind’s resilience to brain neurological damage).   Further outcomes are showing that exercise has a huge impact on education, learning and cognitive ability however, it is interesting to note that, although schools around the world are reducing their PE offerings in favour of more classroom seat time, there is no evidence that reduction of PE improves a child’s academic performance. Much of the above benefits apply to other activities as well  – which reminds me, don’t forget the Midsummer Night’s Dream performance being given by our students on 15th March! See you there. *
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