Campus Facilities
Campus Facilities
On a 21 acre campus, King’s College India offers a diverse range of facilities to ensure that all needs of students are met. The campus is located just 90 minutes from Delhi airport, on the new NH9. The campus is designed as per international standard for a boarding school.The estate department manages the entire campus and ensures maintenance and repairs on a day-to-day basis.
We offer the following modern facilities:
- Science Laboratories
- Music Room
- Art Room
- ICT Suite
- Libraries
- Pre-Prep Area
- Amphitheatre
- Black Box Theatre
- Spacious and well-equipped dormitories
- Boarders’ Common Rooms
- Boarders’ Study Rooms
- Online uniform purchasing
- AC Buses
- Fully Air Conditioned Campus
The school’s Catering Department is operated in-house with our own chefs.
We take great pride in our autonomy as it allows us to produce the type of creative and nutritious food that appeals to our international community.
Here at King’s College India, we source only fresh ingredients from nominated and approved suppliers.
We keep our menus seasonal, change them regularly, and embrace the School Food Trust’s nutritional guidelines. Well-balanced, wholesome meals, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, with South Indian, Gujrati, North Indian, Continental and Thai cuisine, is provided to the students.
All staff members dine with the students.
The school caters specially to the needs of children who are under special dietary restrictions.
Any special item of food not included in the menu will be provided to the children on the advice of the Resident Medical Officer.
Health & Wellness
A full time qualified experienced nurse is available to attend to all first aid requirements of children as well as to attend to medical emergencies at all times. We have a fully-equipped infirmary with Nebulisers, Ambo bags Oxygen Cylinders, life saving drugs, stretchers, wheel chairs, four beds etc. There is a set procedure for replenishment of medicines below MSL (Minimum stock levels) and tracking of expiry medicines.
We regularly take part in first aid training in house as well as from reputed Hospitals in vicinity. Our formal tie-up with Kainos Hospital for evacuation in case of emergency as well as for routine referrals, makes sure we are prepared for the unforeseen emergencies.
The Senior Dietitian from Kainos Hospital supervises the monthly menu which aims at providing a healthy nutritious balanced diet to children. We ensure there are first-aid boxes at 18 strategic locations, along with a handy first aid manual.
Safety and security
Safety in the classroom is extremely important and the teacher holds this as a priority. Students must therefore, follow all instructions given by the teacher and follow the specific guidelines and rules when in specialist area rooms such as the Science Laboratories.
For reasons of safety and security, students are required to be on campus throughout the school day. Students may only leave the school grounds if a request has been made by the parent (which should be in writing and delivered to the Headmaster’s office before classes commence on the day of the absence – although the earlier the notice, the better). On such an occasion, the student will need a signed permission slip from the Headmaster’s office and the Academic Officer will inform the teachers of that student of the absence.Safety drills will be conducted throughout the academic year. They will either be:
1) Fire Drill
2) Lock Down Drill
3) Safe Haven Drill
Details of drills and routes for evacuation will be posted in all rooms.The school sends a letter to parents to inform them about every extra activity conducted by the school, either inside or outside the campus to obtain their permission.